Thursday 4 January 2018

SERIOUSLY!!! Will Eden Hazard Get Banned In The Premier League?

Chelsea has drawn 2-2 against Arsenal yesterday in the Premier League Matchday 22 at the Emirates Stadium where Chelsea’s star, Eden Hazard was able to win a penalty and score Chelsea’s first goal.

According to some news sources, Eden Hazard has dived in order to win the penalty against Arsenal after Arsenal’s defender, Hector Bellerin, hit his leg on the 67th minute which is four minutes after Arsenal’s first goal, which may lead to banning the Belgian forward.

However, according to ESPN, Eden Hazard is likely to escape the ban after not having a clear evidence that the Belgian forward has dived for the penalty, which means the FA, Football Association, won’t be able to apply the retroactive ban on Eden Hazard for diving.

On the other hand, Eden Hazard has said in a post-match interview that he didn’t dive and it was a clear penalty, while Hector Bellerin, Arsenal’s midfielder who committed the foul on Eden Hazard, has insisted that he didn’t do anything wrong to award Eden Hazard a penalty in a post-match interview as well.

Knowing that several players were banned this season by the new retroactive ban law in the Premier League after diving or committing fouls that the referee didn’t see.

Finally, we don’t think it is a dive, but the coming few days will clear everything whether the FA will take any actions, or Eden Hazard will escape the ban.

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