Monday 6 February 2017

Mother spends 16 days with dead baby, takes body for walks

A heartbroken woman spent 16 days with her dead baby girl and even took the body on walks after a hospice provided a refrigerated ‘cuddle cot’, Daily Mail UK, reports.

Charlotte Szakacs’ daughter, Evlyn, died 4 weeks after birth from a rare chromosomal abnormality.

The 21-year-old and her husband, Attila, stayed at a hospice for 12 days with their daughter so they could bond as a family. They were allowed to take her out for walks before being given permission to take the body home for four days after which a funeral was held.

Szakacs said: “I know it might not be the best option for everyone but for us it was so important to be able to have that family time and just properly cuddle our little girl.

“I think having the time with her made such a difference. Being able to do so many of the things you imagine like taking her out in her pram, it really helped emotionally.

“I was really nervous about bringing her home because I didn’t know if it would feel right but it was so nice to have her there. And it wasn’t just for us but for Evlyn so she got to come home.”

When the infant was born on December 13, 2016 weighing 5lbs 5oz, she had an underdeveloped brain which was completely smooth, narrow airways in her nose and lungs and a narrow aorta.

Despite battling against the odds for 4 weeks, she passed away in her parents’ arms on January 10.

Spending days with a dead baby? Hmmm.

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