Monday 16 May 2016

Woman following GPS direction drives into a freezing lake

A 23-year-old drove 100 feet into a freezing Ontario lake Thursday night after sticking too closely to her car's GPS directions.

The unnamed woman was driving in low visibility fog through an unfamiliar part of Tobermory when she made the made the unfortunate right turn down the boat launch leading into the vast Georgian Bay.Her car's momentum carried her 100 feet into the 40-degree water, but she was able to wind down the window and swim away before the car's power cut out.

The woman's phone was still in her car, now fully submerged in the icy blue waters of the bay, so she was forced to walk to a nearby hotel to call for help.

Thankfully the woman was not injured in the crash, Constable Katrina Rubinstein-Gilbert of the Bruce Peninsula Ontario Provincial Police, said.

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